An Honest Review of My Online Class Subscriptions
I love having access to online classes, and I’ve been subscribed to most of these since pre-Quarantine. Now more than ever I am so glad to have these around when I want to learn something new, or watch something more ‘productive’ than random YouTube videos.
Caveat: I do want to mention that just because someone is offering a class doesn’t mean they are an expert! Especially on YouTube! I’ve found many videos that are missing info and/or just plain wrong! Make sure to do your research and consult a professional before attempting anything that could endanger yourself or anyone else!
The quality of Skillshare’s classes, instructors, and platform itself have grown steadily over the years. I started by subscription fully intending to drop out after a year. This is the platform I’ve been using the longest (beside’s YouTube) and will continue subscribing too. I might even argue that I have learned more from a handful of classes on Skillshare than I did taking a $500 online course at one of Toronto’s best university’s. I also like skillshare for getting a peek into a skill or software that I have never used before without committing to a larger course. (Youtube is also great for this)
Favorite instructors (so far): Leah Goren and Dylan Mierzwinski for illustration, Kate Arends for branding, Elle Funa for exploring your passions.
My next classes: Character Animation Basics, and Inclusive UX
Cost: Some courses are free or $132 CAD monthly subscription
Linkedin Learning
Linkedin Learning used to be which I used for free via an education login from my partner. This meant all my ‘certificates’ had the wrong name, but that didn’t really matter to me. The quality of Lynda I found to be much higher than the new course available on LL. Mostly I find these courses SO VAGUE, or SO BEGINNER that I have stopped using this platform altogether. Even for topics I already know about I found their educational style to be lacking imagery, examples, visuals, and motion. I even looked at becoming a teacher on this platform before but it seems like they care more about stats than helpful content.
Favorite instructors (so far): None.
My next class: None… once my free trial runs out, I will not be paying for this.
Cost: Free trial and then ~$30/month
I love the production quality of these classes, as well as the curated teacher list. They really are experts and legends in their field. For me, this is less active learning and more enriching entertainment. I love to have a Masterclass on while I cook or sew. Every class has an accompanying ‘workbook’, for some this may be helpful, but most of them are just a condensed written version of the course content. I don’t think I will be subscribing next year (so $$$), but I will miss it!
Cost: ~$240/year
Favorite classes (so far): Shonda Rhymes for Screenwriting, Chris Hadfield for Space Exploration, Sara Blakely for Entrepreneurship, and Ron Finley for Gardening
My next class: Will Wright for Game Design and Theory, Chris Voss for Negotiation
Zero to Mastery (Udemy)
Z2M was created by a friend who taught themselves how to code, landed some great jobs in Silicon Valley, and now is teaching others online. I am a little biased because I love hearing their voice again! It makes me feel like they are my private tutor.
Favorite class (so far): The Complete Web Developer
My next class: SQL + Databases, Complete Web & Mobile Designer
Cost: ~$15/class (There are sales all the time). Since my availability fluctuates so much and this was my first time trying a Z2M course, I decided to pay the flat fee for my class instead of use the subscription service.
I also wanted to share these free platforms that I have learned so much from.
YouTube was feeling pretty stale for me for a while, but I’ve found some incredible tutorials for my freelance work branding and building custom Squarespace sites. Try and fill your `watch later` list with videos to improve your life or learn something new! (Foraging, woodworking, home renovations, sign language!)
Favorite channels (so far): Better Than Yesterday for productivity, CrashCourse for nerdy things, YogawithAdreinne for Yoga.
Cost: Free (with ads)
TikTok let’s you learn new things in less than 60 seconds. Okay, there is A LOT to distract you on this platform, but if you’re new to your career, following a few professionals from your field is a nice way to stay connected and interject a little bit of learning into your doom scrolling. Seriously whatever you’re trying to learn, there are passionate people on there to inspire you.
Favorite creators (so far): @misodope for developer motivation @smallbusinesstips_ and @lindscholz for Small Business @kreftscouch for Mental Health
Cost: Free
This post contains a few referral links.