Living in Ontario? Get $20 Internet to help slash your budget or get online.
“The Common Critic” Rating: 👍 Thumbs Up
I heard about this internet incentive on the news tonight and wanted to share in the hopes that this helps someone who can use it! Ontarians who need help getting connected, or staying connected to the internet, read on!
If your budget is tight (or blown!) and you are paying more than $20 for internet right now (or can’t afford it at all), check out “Ontario Connects” and see if you qualify for this new government program.
This page could be helpful for Ontario residents who are:
- Seniors
- Families with young children
- Looking for educational incentives and resources
Good luck wrangling your budget!
The Common Critic Rating Scale:
👍 Thumbs Up: Good stuff. Helpful stuff. Fine work for the betterment of something or someone. And that’s nice.
👍 Thumbs Down: Dislike, do not recommend, does not promote the kind of world where I want to live. Consider actively participating in the ‘Suggested Actions’ section.
#toronto #budgeting #frugal #ontario #resourcesharing #internetisaright #ThumbsUp #TheCritic #LocalToronto #AmyKToronto #TheCommonCritic